Friday, September 21, 2007

Building Biceps For Physical Fitness


Building biceps for physical fitness is a great goal to have. Unfortunately, many men and women put building their biceps above everything else. This is a huge health risk. Most of the major muscles work in pairs of opposing groups. Therefore, both groups must be kept strong to reduce the risk of injury. For example, if you are working to build your biceps, you need to be sure you are working equally as hard to build your triceps. Should you do these two groups of muscles and neglect everything else? Not if you want to be physically fit and avoid injuries. You need to be sure you are also working on your quads, shoulders, pecs, and the stomach muscles. The biggest injury that occurs if you neglect working on important muscle groups is tearing your triceps.

Why do so many people believe building big biceps is the best type of body building activity? Maybe because they are so noticeable. Ironically, while they think they are working on being physically fit, many do just the opposite. They will do endless curls to build their biceps as well as take health supplements. Don’t be fooled by the term health supplement. Many of them contain steroids or other similar substances that are potentially harmful. I can’t tell you how many people don’t realize the health risks they are taking by focusing on building their biceps. It is nice to feel good about your body and look good, but not when it puts your health at risk! You can eliminate that risk by implementing a complete fitness routine that includes building your biceps as well as many other activities.

It can be very beneficial to take the time to research various fitness routines. This will allow you to find one that suites your individual needs and takes into consideration what you want to achieve from the program. You may also want to consult with a personal trainer.

It is recommended that before you start any body building program that you make sure your heart is in good shape. You must start with cardiovascular exercises at least three times per week. This is essential for good health and fitness. In fact, if you do weight training without doing cardiovascular and aerobic exercises, you will make your body stiffer and less healthy. So before jumping in to build bigger biceps, ask yourself is it more important to you to have bigger arms than to be healthy overall? There is no reason to sacrifice health for appearance. The tools are available for you to have both.

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