Then, get your aim or purpose. Such as gain your weight, decrease your fat, keep your health and stay fresh, build your body to get muscle’s gain and bigger muscle, to stronger your muscle for use it in other sport, or combination of your mentioned purposes.
After you get your purpose, the next step is you have to conscious that to get the wished result, there is no single factor, but the success is a combination and exercise, diet, optimum nutrition, good food arrangement, take your rest time, using supplement, and focus mentality to do all your activity. Then you have to prepare your program which it’s clearly and focus, consist of all things mentioned above.
There is no secret in building muscle. You just do your purpose which prepared by you and you just have more knowledge all about things mentioned. Always there are new things which be able to learned.
Of course, you have a self reason that why I want to do fitness activity. You also have different self motivation with others, different genetic potential, different financial conditions, and different environment of your fitness center. The same principle, all of us wish to get the best result of our purpose. It’s not hard to do.